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But if you can get O-Hayo Sensei for free, just by visiting our web site or requesting the latest issue by e-mail, why bother to subscribe?
Well, there's convenience and timeliness. Subscribe, and O-Hayo Sensei will arrive automatically in your e-mailbox. Not only you will get the jump on thousands of other readers (and that might mean the difference between getting the job, or not), you won't even need to remember that the 1st or 16th has rolled around again.
And of course, your subscription will help support (and encourage) our efforts to provide this unique service.
What does O-Hayo Sensei cost? The price hasn't changed for years: just US$12. That's a $12 one-time fee to automatically receive O-Hayo Sensei twice each month!
How do you sign up? There are two options: either by traditional mail, or using the PayPal system over the internet.
You can remit payment by personal/company check or money order (US$ ONLY, and please remember to include your e-mail address) to:
O-Hayo Sensei Subscription Department
1032 Irving Street PMB 508
San Francisco, California 94122 USA
But it's really much easier to send O-Hayo Sensei your payment through the PayPal system by clicking on the button below.
And again, thanks for asking!